Monday, November 17, 2008


As the Holiday season in full swing-I think it's so important for everyone to stop for a moment in all the hustle and bustle and "GIVE THANKS" Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and I always feel like it is "skipped" over since these days it goes from halloween straight to chirstmas decorating, shopping and holiday events. Not only is thanksgiving great for the yummy turkey, but it is so much more than that. I think everyone-even the most miserable person can find at least something to be thankful for. Look around you-and give thanks to God for all the wonderful blessings he has given to you! I know God has blessed well beyond what I deserve and for that I am forever thankful. As Thanksgiving nears..I have been in thought alot about what I am thankful for in my life.

A few of the things I am thankful for:
God-who gave his son-to save me from my sins!
a wonderful husband and best friend who is so good to me
amazing parents-who are so unselfish and who love me more than I could imagine!
My inlaws-boy..did I ever get blessed!
all the kiddo's in my life
my extended family-who I don't see much but I think about and pray for everday!
My best friend Leisha-who has shown me TRUE friendship
My neice and best friend Ashley!
Our troops who put their lives on the line each day for our freedom!
The oppertunity to own a home
My great, reliable job
Good, faithful friends
my sisters: Violet, Tiffany and Emily! I always wanted a sister and I got 3 amazing ones!
Wise influence in my life
The fact that God is in control in a very scary world
and so much more.......

Psalm 107:1
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever


I Love photography! It would never be my life career or anything but I just love to take photos and I loved to edit them. It's more of a hobby for me! I love being creative and this brings out my crativity and artistic side. I found a great new program called "picnik" if you haven't checked it out you must. It's a FREE editing program and you can do really cool effects and collages. I just wanted to share a few of the photos I have taken latley. Enjoy!!



Ashley and Baby Boy

our beautiful neice Riley

Cool Effect! Aaron and I on Halloween

Look at those beautiful Blue eyes!! Preslee Jeane! Love this little one!

Grandpa, Grandpa and Riley

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween came really fast this year. So fast that for the first time in years Aaron and I did not even get to buy pumpkins and carve them. :( Oh well..we survived. My favorite part of carving pumpkins is baking and eating the seeds. Yummy!!! There is always next year. We had great fun. Thursday before our work was invited to a "flu shot party" a oral surgion we refer to puts this on every year for all his refering doctors, family and staff. Everyone dresses up, he caters some yummy food and this year he even had a band! Oh..and everyone MINUS ME get's a flu shot! I just can't do it. I hate shots so much and I ussually get the flu and every year I think "darn...I wish I would have just delt with the poke to not fee like this"! But year after year I still don't have the GUTS to do it! I have this reasoning that the FLU shot only protects you from true influenza (sp) and the chances of getting the real deal are slim. There is so many strains of the flu-so I just live on the edge and go without. Anyways...there was TONS of people at the party and we all had a blast. Our office all dressed up for the party and for work on friday. Us girls were all "Pink Ladies" and my Dad was a "greaser" It was super cute and we all got alot of compliments on our sostumes. At work on friday we played 50's music and totally were rockin out behind the scenes. :) My parents were totally in their element with the 50's tunes. They were dancing too and it was really cute. We had a little "sock hop" at lunch and we ordered in old fashioned burgers and cokes for lunch. Friday night Aaron and I had his brother Jason and wife Emily over for dinner and to pass out candy to the "trick or treaters". We had a great night and we handed out a TON of candy! Time with Jason and Emily was great. We even got a game of "mario party" in on the wii...oh and a little Wii fit demo as well. All in all it was a great halloween.
Aaron the "Greecer" Lindsey the "Pink Lady"

We were so honored to have Sarah Palin! and Dwight! come for dinner!
Me * Mom * Ashley
You can't tell we are related or anything Can ya?!

It's been a long time!

So as I was following some of my friends blogs tonight, I realized if I have time to read theirs, I really need to update mine. It's been a long time. Life has been busy and unfourtunalty my blog has got pushed to the end of the "to do" list. I know how much I love keeping up on the blogs of my friends and fam so I decided I should make time and get er done!

Since my last post we have gone to DisneyLand with the Norton side of the family. We went the first part of October and it was awesome! We met up with Aaron's sister and my best friend Violet and her hubby and their new baby girl. It was so FUN to all be together. We had a blast at disney, knotts berry farm & universal studios. The boys found the Orange county car show and enjoyed that and we even did Go-Karts on our way outa town! We had some fun game nights at starbucks and some great dinners out. We laughed so much and when it comes to late night...we always get silly! It was just so great having a week of family time. We all get along so well, and we are so blessed to be able to spend time together. This was aaron and mine 4th time to Disneyland in a year. We bought season passes and definitly got our use out of them. I think that will be it for a while but it was fun while it lasted. It truly is the Happies Place On Earth!!
Me & My Love In D'Land

All the Norton Women! I love Them!!!
Aaron and I with our adorable niece RILEY!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jury Duty Report

So my jury duty went quite well afterall. So I got there monday morning and I was the first group called. I got picked on a jury and it was pretty intersting. I found out later all the other ladies on the jury had sent in letters from employers ect. trying to get excused. That is why they chose us for a 1 day trial. I was very happy to only have to spend one day there and not miss any work-and also happy I was able to get to be a part of the jury for a trial since I was there..rather than sit and wait most of the day. It was a domestic violence case-and I was glad to see justice be served. We annanomously decided on a guilty verdict. I was there most of the day. So I guess I should have had a better attitude about it. It turned out much better than I thought. I accually felt good after it all. It felt good to feel like I was able to serve the community to help make it a safer place for us all!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Go SeaHawks!

Well we are off to the second home game of the season tomorrow. We are really hoping for a better game this week! Last week was a bummer. The dawgs had a bye week-MUCH NEEDED! I hope they can turn things around! The Cougs finally won a game today! YAY..for the first win of the season for washington football...We'll hopefully have a second tomorrow from the hawks. Everyone best be cheering on the boys in blue tomorrow!! Go SeaHawks!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Im so NOT excited for............


Im not sure what is up with this..but Im only 26 right. Well, I have gottron a Jury summons twice already in my life. It's crazy to me. I know people who have never been summoned. It's's really a burdon for the office when Im off work-so my dad wrote a letter expalining my job duties and that we are short handed and can't afford to lost me at work for this purpose. Well......they DENIED my letter and sent me a later date. Next week I have to report and Im so annoyed. I would be excited If I got on a really cool case or something-but last time I just had to sit in a room with a bunch of people and wait for about 4 hours each day for a week for them to dismiss me. I think I made a whole 12.00$ too. YAY! I will try to keep a good attitude and bring a good book to read. If I do get on a case PRAY it's a short one...I leave town only 7 days after starting my jury duty and Im not missing disneyland for that!

In 15 days we are Going to.....................

DisneyLand......Knotts Berry Farm......& Univeral Studios

We are so excited to be going on a Norton side family vacation! Cindy and Greg, and Aaron and I , Tiffany and Trevor and Jason and Emily are flying down to LA. Violet, Daniel and Riley are meeting up with us in LA also! I can't wait to see them and give Riley girl kisses! I miss my new little niece. I can't wait for Aaron to meet her. I know he will fall in love with that precious little girl. We are going for a week. Im so excited for Family time!!! It's much needed and we always have so much fun together. Rides, Rides and more Rides....Here we come!!!!!

Happy Anniversery To Us!

Last Monday Aaron and I celebrated our 7 year wedding annivsery. I cannot believe it's been 7 years since the day we became husband and wife. Time Flies..when you'r having fun. :) I remember our wedding day, like it was yesterday. Still perfect in my mind in every way. It's crazy that it's been 7 years since 9-11. It will always remind me of our honeymoon as that is where we were when we found out the trade centers had been hit. It was scary to be out of the country. We were on a cruise in the Carribeian. They thought of turning the ship around but then decided we were safe and would continue. We didn't mind to much since we really didn't want our honeymoon to be cut short. In case some of you don't know. I have the most amazing parents in the world. See...I am VERY afraid to fly. I have gotton so much better since this, but at that time it was pretty serious. We had a few problems....Our flight home had been cancelled, We were only 19 so not old enough to rent a car, All the trains and busses were sold out. parents hopped in the car and drove yes DROVE from washington to Miami Florida to pick us up. So instead of our honey moon being cut short we got an extra week..driving across country. We even took a stop at Disney World on the way home! It was really cool across country. I have never seen so many american flags in my life! It was awesome. You could totally see how in every state americans were joining together to be proud americans and raise flags in honor of those hero's who lost their lives in the 9-11 attacks. I still dont feel like we truly felt the effects all of you at home felt as we were on a ship and everyone kinda of had to get on with it and finish having fun on their vacation. They did hold a memorial on the ship and we attened. It was moving and really great. Im glad we went. So...needless to say we had an eventful honeymoon..but everything was perfect for us.

We have had a great life together so far and I can't wait for many more to come. I can't wait to grow old together! I mean i don't want to get old anytime sooner than we have to..but you know. :) We spent our day (SEPT 8th) relaxing in the morning (as it was our day off) then went to a nice lunch at olive garden. We decided not to exchange any gifts this year as we did our living room and went on a couple to many vacations this summer ;) We had a great day-celebrating our Love and Im so thankful God has brought us this far and I can't wait to see what he has in store for our future!

A Living Room MakeOver!

For about a year now, I have had my eye on some furniture I really wanted. We finally decided after 7 years we should retire our furniture and start over. Our old stuff was cute-It was totally me and my husband was gracious enough to allow me floral couches for the last 7 years. Comfort is all that mattered to him! I wanted something new and a totally different look. I wanted our living room to be warmer and a cozy place to relax. We saved up the money and went to town! We DESPERATLY needed new carpet! Builder grade carpet in a house for 7 years with high traffic=really bad! We picked out some great carpet and tile for our entry way. Im slowing doing away with all Lenoliuium (sp?) as I first all of hate the look but it's a pain to clean! We extended the entry which is great because we had like room for one person to stand before. Painted, got new furniture, a new tv, tv stand and the whole bit! Im even changing over some pictures to new frames. It's funny...I've always been a girl who loves the walls packed with pictuers and stuff..but all of the sudden i just wanted Simolicity. Im tired of clutter! I will post some after photos. Im so upset I didn't take many before photos but some of you may have seen our house before. Take a Look...It's still not done so stay tuned.
The Entry Before

The Entry After

My Favorite Little Corner

It's Whats Been Goin On!

I realize I haven't posted in a while. These last few weeks have been busy, busy! Tieing up the last few weekends of summer is always a busy time. We have done alot since my last post. We headed out on Firday Aug 29th for a road trip. We took our mustang Cobra and My parents joined us in my dad's camero. We drove to Portland the first night-My mom and I really wanted to shop at Lloyd Center the next day and since it was my mom's birthday the boys let us shop! We then headed to Clamath Falls Oregon for the night, The next day was alot of driving and FAST driving! We got the cars up to 150 MPH!!!! I almost passed out! I was really thankful God kept us safe and even more thankful we didn't get caught! If you can even beleive it we were just cruising at 80 and we got stopped only 20 miles from Reno- our destination. The cop was nice and only got us for 10 over but did ticket us! Thankfully it was in California and I've heard it doesn't transfer over to your washington driving record. Haha dad and us both stopped at the same time. You know that cop was loving stopping two "red hot rods" :) It was surly the talk of his day! My dad even had a radar and we got him on film stating it was hid fault because he didn't hit the breaks fast enough and his music was up to loud. I asked him if that meant he pays our ticket too since he was leading! LOL! Yep..he laughed thats about it. Well, Aaron had the time of his life racing his car! :) After two nights in Reno (not to thrilled with it) We headed to Lake Tahoe-which was GORGEOUS! I loved it there. We had a relaxing night at the Embassy Suites and headed on the home streach the next morning. We drove home in 2 days. It was fun and relaxing but alot of driving and our own bed never felt so good! Here are a few pics from our journey.
Aaron and Linds enjoying Top down Driving!
We had GREAT weather!
They only had to Spit Shine the Cars at every stop!
Gotta Love Em!


Mom and Dad

The Beautiful Lake Tahoe

Monday, August 25, 2008


Today we attended a AMAZING seminar at Key Arena. My parents were able to get 16 tickets for $20.00! We totally took advantage of it. I am so glad they did! It had a great lineup of speakers including, Gen Colin Powell, Suzi Orman, Zig Ziglar, Rudolph Giuliani, Terry Bradshaw and more! It was so motivating, very moving and Fun all at the same time. They had great enthusiasm. As a huge football fan, I loved hearing Bradshaw! He is SO hilarious. He had some great points to be positive and making the most of your life. Everyone was so good. I especially enjoyed hearing Colin Powell. He is such a American hero and has so much passion for being a proud American. He speaks with such passion and dignity, you can't help but be attentive. We also heard a really great investor-who told stories of his own adversity of flunking out of several colleges and is now a multi millionaire. He was so inspiring and very energetic. He gave some great tools to investing in the stock market. He makes it look so easy and simple. It actually all makes total sense-He offered everyone there to sign up for a additional 2 day class to learn the tools first hand and be mentored by professional investors, and get access to a website to make things happen. It is usually $4,600. We were able to sign up for just 99$. I thought that was a pretty cheap investment to try to learn some tips to create a safe and successful retirement for Aaron and I. I have always wanted to get into stocks, but without knowledge it is very scary. Aaron and I are very excited about it and we hope we can learn how to make it work. Once you know the ropes it should take about 15 minutes a day! Everyone there was so inspiring and Aaron hesitated to attend, as he is not to big on crowds but he admitted he REALLY enjoyed it and would love to for sure go next year. The couple who started this seminar are so admirable. I was so impressed with the spiritual overtone on the whole day-Very conservative and really God honoring. Tamara Lowe (co founder of the "get motivated" program) spoke and I was so moved. She was a drug addict, drop out kid. In her early 20's gave her heart to the Lord and what an amazing woman! I loved her main point of " It doesn't matter where you've been or what has happend to you...Everyone faces hard times and you won't get ANYWHERE being a victim " I have always felt that way and wish sometimes people I know and love could see that. You can't blame your circumstances for your actions. take a step out-get over your excuses and make the most of your life!! I love people and always see so much potential. It breaks my heart to see people blame everything that happens on any one curcumstance they were delt. I always have told my neice...You can take what you've been delt and use it to make you Bitter or Better! I have always encouraged her to make it BETTER and Im so proud she has! Tamara *the speaker* was so Strong in her love for the Lord. She sang a "RAP" all about giving your life to God. Then prayed a salvation prayer and everything. It was so awesome! I really felt like that is there purpose. the Key arena was packed full-they bring in great influential people, but I really think it is a ministry for them. She didn't candy coat anything-straight to the point. Didn't just talk about a "higher power" like most of those motivational meetings..she spoke about JESUS and how he should be who you look to for your success. We got alot out of it and even spent the night at a beautiful hotel last night in Seattle. I'm thankful we were able to attend and we feel richer inside as a result!

One of my Hero's..


A Productive Weekend!

Aaron and I had a great weekend. After work on friday -we headed out in the Cobra for a beautiful night of top down drivin! We headed up north to Mt. vernon and checked out a sterio store. Aaron was looking for a new sub, as the one we just had bought of ebay blew this past week. We decided this time we better invest in a new one and skip ebay. We didn't find a great deal there so we then headed back south and went to everett. We went into car they know there stuff. This guy totally took over came out and looked at our system and knew exactly what to recomend. The best one was about 250.00. I wasn't to excited to spend that much, seeing as though we had just bought one weeks prior. But it was the best bang for the buck, so I gave in. The guy went back to get it from the stock room and was ringing us up..then then says " I have a surprise for you" What? This is weird, he replied...This must have been a clearance item and it's the only one we have It rings up as 130. Woah! I was so thrilled. We saved over a 100$ I was so thankful we made the trek back to everett to find a better deal. We had planned on going out for dinner..and we tried for outback but the wait was to long. We were starving and decided to head to olive garden..on the way we passed arbys and both of us at the same time said.."Let's go to Arbys" SO RANDOM!! we never eat there but for some reason we decided it sounded good-so we skipped the friday night crowds, ate some arbys and headed to aaron's parents so he could install his new sub. We hung out with his dad for the evening and eneded the night around 2am! We then slept in saturday morning till around 10. We headed to Lowe's to buy Paint for our next adventure. I have been wanting to pain our living room and redo evertyhign in there all year. I finally decided to get er done! I have to start teaching another school class on Sept 13th every saturday for 1 weeks. Between that, church on sunday, husky games and seahawk leaves little time for projects. I decided on a coffee color. I LOVE the color and it turned out great. We have a dark fushia wall and the rest of them were a sage green color. I really wanted something warmer and more dramatic. We kept the Fushia wall and it tied in really nice with the coffee walls. I made a huge mess of the carpet because we are also doing all new floors. It was nice to be able to not worry about anything getting on the carpet. Aaron graciously taped everything (the part i hate to do) and painted up high and I tackled all in between. We proceeded by buying a new flat screen tv and sunday we ordered new furniture! I have always had lots of stuff on the walls and lots of knick knacks...I SO want simplicity now. Im excited for our flat screen so we can reitre our big bulky ugly entertainment center and Im finally saying goodbuy to our COMFY floral couches. I think they are super cute but Im giving them up for a really nice new set. Im going to do some cherry wood flooring in the entry with all new trim in the living room as well. Also, some nice fluffy carpet. Builder grade for the past 7 years=despertaly needs to be taken out! I can't beleive we have owned our home for 7 years this past July. We love it here but In order to stay happy here I really needed to do some updating. I LOVE planning out everything and picking out new stuff. Im so thankful we are able to do some updating and I can't wait to tackle my kitchen next. It's so funny how your taste changes over time. It really makes me sad to part with some of the decorations and even our furniture-because it's a memory of "US" in the begining. I guess every 7 years isn't to bad to change things up. We will be celebrating 7 years of marriage on Sept 8th and I couldn't be more thankful for a wonderful supportive husband. I love him with all my heart! I am so irritated with myself I didn't take before photos. I have some of our living room with people in them..I will find one to post with the after of the walls. I will update it when we get our flooring and furniture.


Aaron a year or so ago. He will hate this picture but Just trying to show the room. Sorry Honey!


(just the paint of course)

Another View.

Please Excuse the Mess..we are in transition

Fall is Right Around the Corner!

Summer is coming to an end and you can definitly tell by the weather this past week. We had a Hot, Hot, Hot weekend then had a thunder storm, then a TON of rain and even some wind. As much as I enjoy summer time, I have to say I truly got the first REAL feel of fall this last week, and it made me so Happy! I dont' know what it is..alot of people get crabby and stressed when the weather isn't know what i say to that?! "why do you live in washington"? LoL-This is what Seattle is known for...RAIN! This time of year get's me excited, not beacuse I don't love the sun..I do, but I truly LOVE everything about common washington weather. I find myself a little more crabby when it's hot than when it's cooler. Im crazy because I LOVE vacationing to hot sunny places..but there is something about home that I love the cooler weather. I love how beautiful Washington is I love that we have true seasons and I love the rain! Call me crazy..I know. Im so weird...I love to leave work when it's dark at 5pm...I love going home turning up the heat, gettin sweats on and curling up with a blanket. I love the smell of the cold crisp air. I love the changing color of the leaves. I love SNOW! You get the picture. Because I know there is much more of that weather than sunny weather..I will be happy to enjoy the last few weeks of summer and be happy for hot sunny weather, for all the people I love out there. We are hoping for a nice sunny Labor day weekend and following week. We are taking off with my parents for a road trip! My parents are taking the camero and we are taking the cobra. It will be nice and I may even get to work on my tan with the top down. We are going to go up the Oregon coast and then back through eastern washington. It will be nice and relaxing. I am ussually a total planner..but I accually like the thought of just going..and finding hotels along the way. We have no real structure..just go with the flow and do what we want. I think it's going to be really great and Aaron of course is Super Excited to get some fast driving in! :) Maybe even a race or two with my dad. So..heres to the last few weeks of summer..May it be everything you wish! Soak up the Sun..because Fall is right around the corner.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Me -Richie and Aaron at the Monsters!

There they are!

This was a good weekend for the most part. Friday night after work (kids day), you can imagine I was exhauseted so I spent a very nice, quiet night at home with candles and a movie. Aaron went out to dinner with a friend so it was just me for the evening, and as much as I missed having him home-I didn't complain to just chill and have a quiet night to myself. I hate being along so it's rare when I can enjoy a evening like that. Saturday, we had Aaron's company picnic at his parents house. It was of course the HOTTEST day of the weekend! It was nice but seriously to hot for us. Aaron and I are truly a great pair...we both love cool weather. :) We won't complain when it's sunny and we have a chance to drive the cobra though ;) . We visited with the work people, ate some YUMMY food, and played some water balloon games. We didn't win sadly! Aaron and I hid out in the house for a bit out of the sun and watched some olympics. We then headed to the Monster Trucks-for the last event of the evening with the company. We decided we would bring Richie, my nephew. He is 6 years old and ALL BOY! Loves anything that involves dirt, cars, trucks, get the drift. We picked him up in the mustang and met up with the fam. When we got there it was SO LOUD! Thankfully greg, had thought ahead and purchased ear plugs for everyone. I NEVER thought I'd need them but oh my goodness was I wrong. So if it hurt my ears you can imagine how much it hurt Richie's being only 6 yrs. I got his earplugs in and He could still hear and It scared my ALL BOY got some big tears in his eyes....OH NO I thought to myself...trying to make this a FUN night for him and he isn't going to like it. We added another ear plug and taught him to put his whole palm of his hand over his ears also. He then was ok and got the feel for how it was going to be. He got a little scared seeing the BIG MONSTER Trucks thinking how they could possibly make it up to the nose bleeds to get to us..I assured him that would not happen. After the first half he was much better and once he knew what to expect was just super! He really enjoyed it and was in AWE of the big trucks. He is such a sweet, sensative boy and I couln't love him more. It's so funny how he talks so big like he is such a tough boy..but inside there is still a sensative little one! It melted my heart to see those big tears. I was glad i was there to comfort him and help him through the night. We were determined to make this a "awesome" night for him. He LOVED it in the end but for us all in all...the monster trucks were a little boring if you ask me. Everett Events Center, I think is to small for something like just wasn't really to exciting. You know I would have rather been at the PreSeason Hawks game..but I was more than happy to support my husband and attend the company outing. We made the best of it and I can say the whole day was very enjoyable. I probably won't attend the monster trucks anytime soon and as much fun as richie had...I prob woulndn't recomend it for little really is loud and I felt HORRIBLE for some of the little little kids who didn't even have earplugs in. Makes me crazy mad at those parents. Poor kido's! Well...enough about that. Here are a few photos to recap the day.


So last friday, our dental office put on a all day "KIDS DAY" event. It was awesome! It's something we have talked about for the last few years and we finally nailed down a date and decided to make it happen! We have put months of planning into this day. We marketed like crazy, planned out our day and all...but of course it get's to the last few weeks and we are scrambling to get everything into place. Well..thankfully I work best under pressure! Last week..we worked like crazy gather the last of the school supplys, decorations and food list all together. Thursday at around 1pm we started decorating and I think by around 8:30pm I can say our office was transformed into a hawaiian island. It was SO cool in there. We had a LUAU theme and We decked everything out! We had over 35 kids scheduled, lot's of new families and a few of our current patients. It was such a FUN day! It went so smooth and the KIDS loved every minute of their experience which is worth SO MUCH! When they arrived we took them into our game room in back where we had around 5 different games they could play-they got to play up to 3 games and pick school supplys for each game played-While waiting to be called back they could grab a snack..muffins, fruit and yogurt in the morning, and hot dogs, chips and cookies for the afternoon! They all got their teeth cleaned LUAU style and we all had a blast! We gave away over 400$ in school supplys and also had 4 "STUFFED" backpacks full of school supplys for door prized! It was awesome to see the reaction of the kiddo's when they found out they WON! We also gave each child a goody bag filled to the rim with fun prizes...and of course a tooth brush, toothpaste and floss. The best thing was..we were able to give several kids who have had bad experinces in the past a GREAT dental experience...that is totally what counts. We want it to be a fun place to go not a scary place. Even Dr. hussey enjoyed the day. We will definitly be making it a Anual event!

Monday, August 11, 2008

A GrEaT weekend!

So this past weekend was great! What was so exciting? Absolutly nothing. We live such a busy life most days..and all summer have been coming and going from home so much. 8 months out of the year I teach dental assistant school on saturdays so with church on leaves us really no days to relax and sleep in. I am off school for the summer and loving the break. Friday night we came home and watched the seahawks pre season game! It was so fun to see them play. It was great to see the starters of course and my favorite..Matt Hasslebeck! But I really liked the look of some of our new guys. I think we're going to have a really good year. After the game..we headed to Aaron's parents house to drop off our cobra to put in their garage(It's home for now when it's not sunny) because it was supposed to rain. We ended up hanging out till around midnight talking. It was fun! We watched a movie when we got home-it was a awesome thriller! Saturday I didn't even look at the clock till 11am! Yes 11. It was wonderful to sleep in. We lounged all day...and had a movie marathon. I think we watched around 6 movies. I ran to the grocery store and that was it. We even played a little tetris and dr. mario (old school) !! That was random and Fun! Sunday Aaron wasn't feeling well so we stayed home from church, we were lazy most of the day. We went out and got a few more movies and melody came over to visit. We went to night church..and it was really good. Today...Monday, (my day off) we slept in yet again (oh it was hevenly!) watched a movie, and around noon headed out. We got our cobra, visited with aaron's mom for a while and took the car to the shop to get some work done on the upholstry-Aaron has long awaited the seat to once again be "perfect" (Long story) : ) Then we had a lunch date! We had fish and chips and it was yummy. We then went into my work to move some things and do some cleaning then home again for what?? Another movie...oh and some more old school video gaming. The whole weekend was just nice! At times I felt guilty for being so lazy but I really feel like sometimes everyone deserves a weekend like this. It was nice for aaron and I to just be together and be silly and relax and most of all..Be HOME! I have a BUSY week coming up and I can go into it saying I am well rested and ready so......... bring it on!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Football Season


We are getting so excited for Football season! I love it for so many reasons. I LOVE the game. I Love Fall and the cold, crisp air. I Love the 12th Man! Going to the home games are awesome! I love the crowds. I love that we have the loudest crowd in all the NFL.I love it all! I can't beleive that the Seahawks will play their first pre-season game this friday night. The off season went by fast! Im so excited, even though it's pre-season...just to watch the game! Pretty soon we will be at qwest feild watching the boys in blue! The huskies will start soon too, and I really hope Jake Locker helps lead us to a winning season for the dawgs! They sure deserve it! Well Im not sure if I have any fellow football lovers out there~but Go SeaHawks anyways!!!!
Here are some photos of us from last season!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Summer Time Fun!

Summer is such a fun time of year! We have had a packed full summer with lots of fun and adventure. I thought I would kinda catch up and recap our summer journeys so far.

Disneyland in May was so much fun! We accually surprised our neice Melissa for her birthday. Woke her up on a sunday morning and told her we were going to church, when we arrived at the park n fly she was confused as you can see by the photo. She was thrilled and we accually managed to keep the secret from Melissa, "miss know it all" . We rode tons of rides at both parks and even got some pool time in at our nice hotel.

We headed to Las Vegas for Memorial Day weekend. Our office staff attened the anual "Invisalign" summit. We had a fun time! The highlight was the "PIRATE" ball on the last evening. We all dressed up and it was such a fun party. Invisalign always out does themselves and puts on quite the show. We stayed at the new part of the Venitian , The Plazzo. It was Gorgeous. The rooms were amazing and we had a great view from our room of the strip. We also went a night early and stayed in old town. Old town is great fun-we really enjoyed that!

The highlight of our summer was definitly our CRUISE in JUNE! We headed out to Miami and enjoyed the area for two days before boarding the Carnival Valor. While in Miami we went down to "BaySide" a cute ourdoor shopping area right on the beach with alot of fun restraunts. We ate at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Factory. It was so fun! We even went and bought the forest gump dvd after that. We then got on our ship and sailed off into paradise. We went to 3 ports of call. Started with Nassau Bahamas, OUR FAVORTIE! It was so beautiful. We went to the Atlantis resort for the day and went to the waterpark. It was amazing! We also spent some time on the beach. Our next tropical vacation may just be a week at Atlantis! We then visited St. Thomas USVI. It was beautiful as well. We rode a gondola up to "paradise point" and took some great photos of the island from the top. It was relaxing. We walked the shops then just enjoyed our ship for the rest of the day while it was less crowded. Our final stop was St. Maarten. The water there was so gorgeous. We took a water taxi into town and shopped for the day. We just relaxed and had a little beach time. Aaron got a great omega watch! We also really enjoyed our days at sea as well. Our ship had a waterslide and that was so much fun to enjoy. We worked on our tans and just relaxed. It was great!! We met some GREAT friends as well who we enjoyed dinner and the show with each night. Sadly, they live in Pitsburg! We miss them already. They were great and we hit it off. We then stayed one more night in Miami then headed for home sweet home. The trip was amazing..but after 10 days I do have to say..we were ready to get home.

The weekend when we got home we went up to anacortis to my Aunt Linda's home on the water for a family gathering. It is a beautiful home. My cousin Kelli graduated highschool and is off to college so we all got together to celebrate and wish her the best with her future. It was so fun to hang out with my cousins for the day. I love how Marisa and I can always pick up where we left off and we always have so much fun remenising about the good ol' days. We took some cute pics! I was glad we were able to snag a photo with grandpa who is in his 80's. This will be a photo I know I will cherish forever!

We came home for one week then Aaron and I parted for 5 days. Aaron went on a Canada guided fishing trip with my dad. They had alot of fun and brought home tons of yummy Salmon, Halibit and Ling Cod and some Red snapper also. (photos to come soon) While he did that I went to Arizona to meet our new little Neice, Riley!! She is just beautiful. It was so much fun visiting with My sister in law, Violet and Daniel and spending time with riley. She was about 3 weeks old when I was so little and fragile. I held her for hours and just stared! Im so glad I was able to spend time with her when she was so little. I can't wait until October when we all meet up for a Norton Fam vacation to Disneyland! Yay!! Violet is such a good mommy and Daniel a great dad. He even watched Riley for the day so Violet and I could have a "girls day". It was so fun! We got pedicures and went and saw "Mama Mia". My visit with Violet was great. I miss her so much. I feel so blessed that we are not only friends but we get to be sisters to!