A few of the things I am thankful for:
God-who gave his son-to save me from my sins!
a wonderful husband and best friend who is so good to me
amazing parents-who are so unselfish and who love me more than I could imagine!
My inlaws-boy..did I ever get blessed!
all the kiddo's in my life
my extended family-who I don't see much but I think about and pray for everday!
My best friend Leisha-who has shown me TRUE friendship
My neice and best friend Ashley!
Our troops who put their lives on the line each day for our freedom!
The oppertunity to own a home
My great, reliable job
Good, faithful friends
my sisters: Violet, Tiffany and Emily! I always wanted a sister and I got 3 amazing ones!
Wise influence in my life
The fact that God is in control in a very scary world
and so much more.......
Psalm 107:1
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever