Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Anniversery To Us!

Last Monday Aaron and I celebrated our 7 year wedding annivsery. I cannot believe it's been 7 years since the day we became husband and wife. Time Flies..when you'r having fun. :) I remember our wedding day, like it was yesterday. Still perfect in my mind in every way. It's crazy that it's been 7 years since 9-11. It will always remind me of our honeymoon as that is where we were when we found out the trade centers had been hit. It was scary to be out of the country. We were on a cruise in the Carribeian. They thought of turning the ship around but then decided we were safe and would continue. We didn't mind to much since we really didn't want our honeymoon to be cut short. In case some of you don't know. I have the most amazing parents in the world. See...I am VERY afraid to fly. I have gotton so much better since this, but at that time it was pretty serious. We had a few problems....Our flight home had been cancelled, We were only 19 so not old enough to rent a car, All the trains and busses were sold out. Soo...my parents hopped in the car and drove yes DROVE from washington to Miami Florida to pick us up. So instead of our honey moon being cut short we got an extra week..driving across country. We even took a stop at Disney World on the way home! It was really cool across country. I have never seen so many american flags in my life! It was awesome. You could totally see how in every state americans were joining together to be proud americans and raise flags in honor of those hero's who lost their lives in the 9-11 attacks. I still dont feel like we truly felt the effects all of you at home felt as we were on a ship and everyone kinda of had to get on with it and finish having fun on their vacation. They did hold a memorial on the ship and we attened. It was moving and really great. Im glad we went. So...needless to say we had an eventful honeymoon..but everything was perfect for us.

We have had a great life together so far and I can't wait for many more to come. I can't wait to grow old together! I mean i don't want to get old anytime sooner than we have to..but you know. :) We spent our day (SEPT 8th) relaxing in the morning (as it was our day off) then went to a nice lunch at olive garden. We decided not to exchange any gifts this year as we did our living room and went on a couple to many vacations this summer ;) We had a great day-celebrating our Love and Im so thankful God has brought us this far and I can't wait to see what he has in store for our future!

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