Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome-Baby MaVeRiCk!

Ashley was due on Christmas day-and one week later she was admitted for induction on New Years Eve! They didn't get things rolling until the next day. I got to be there with her the entire time and it was an amazing experience. Im so thankful I was able to take photos for her so she can remeber that day forever. She was a trooper-and Im so proud of her. Her and baby had no complications! Everyone is healthy and at home resting. She is going to be such a good little mama. Enjoy the Photos!! He is sure a Cutie Pie!

Maverick Ryan
Jan 2 09
8lb 15oz -19"

There will be lot's more pictures to come! Im pretty proud to be a great auntie!

1 comment:

Amy said...

So glad you started posting again! I love all the pictures and news. Thanks for updating us!