Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Mustang Round-up……….ROAD TRIP!

A couple weekends ago, we headed to the Mustang Roundup. It was our first year to do the drive and it was fun. We met a bunch of other mustangs in Bellevue on Friday morning, and all headed out in groups on a drive to Yakima. It was fun being with all other mustangs! We had a few stops along the way. When we got to the park it was so hot! We had to wait a hour for a group picture..then that was all. We decided to make it a little mini vaca, and got a hotel room and stayed the night. Aaron’s dad also has a Mustang, so Aaron’s parents joined us on our little trip. We had a lot of fun, and it was nice weather and very relaxing. We Went to dinner and a movie that evening, and headed back the next afternoon.. We got a little sunburned and I had KNOTS in my hair…but it was worth it to drive with the top down the whole way. Aaron then on Sunday entered our cobra into the car show..and sat once again all day in the hot sun with a sun burn! He was pretty wiped out for a day after that. I love when Aaron gets to drive the mustang. Him and his dad both, get so giddy like little kids with a toy! It’s cute, and I know he gets a total thrill out of it..and that makes me Smile! Thankful for a Radar-Detector! No more speeding tickets for us.

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