Monday, August 10, 2009

Kenny Chesney Concert

Last weekend had no big plans, and that quickly changed last friday afternoon at work. I went on before lunch to check my facebook and saw that my friend, was selling her 3 tickets to Kenny Chesney the next evening. She had got better seats and needed to get rid of three tickets asap. Jokingly, Leisha said we should go! I said Yeaaah, totally! But no really...we were seriously considering---the serious consideration came only because of the price of the tickets, which I will not reveal here :) We talked to our hubby's and we were in! We were going to Kenny..and it was the next day! I have to say Leisha and I both, arn't to sporadic! Both of us, planners and not to into a bump in the road. We chose to go for it, and we had an AMAZINGLY FUN NIGHT! Oh, I had no idea what I was in for. It's been a while since I had been to a concert and this was like nothing I had ever expereienced. We had seat's on the floor, which was incredible. We met up with Ashley, Jackie, Shannon and Kristina...and even managaed to sneak them onto the floor with us :) We danced the night away! Also met up with Jenn and Brittany and Julia and Melissa. then later we even went up and found my BCF (best cousin forever), Marisa and my aunt dee! We all were silly, and dancin it up! It was so fun to be carefree and boogie to Kenny with all my best girlfriends (minus Julie-who we missed greatly). We even rocked our cowboy boots! Which was a little out of my comfort zone, but I was so happy I wore them..I fit right in! So now, I think Im going on a concert kick..or just a girls night was to fun not to relive it again soon.

1 comment:

Marisa said...

It was so fun!! I loved seeing you beautiful ladies:).