Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Im so NOT excited for............


Im not sure what is up with this..but Im only 26 right. Well, I have gottron a Jury summons twice already in my life. It's crazy to me. I know people who have never been summoned. It's irritating...it's really a burdon for the office when Im off work-so my dad wrote a letter expalining my job duties and that we are short handed and can't afford to lost me at work for this purpose. Well......they DENIED my letter and sent me a later date. Next week I have to report and Im so annoyed. I would be excited If I got on a really cool case or something-but last time I just had to sit in a room with a bunch of people and wait for about 4 hours each day for a week for them to dismiss me. I think I made a whole 12.00$ too. YAY! I will try to keep a good attitude and bring a good book to read. If I do get on a case PRAY it's a short one...I leave town only 7 days after starting my jury duty and Im not missing disneyland for that!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I have been summoned 2 or 3 times! I have always been excused, though. Being a student gets you out of it, of course, but this last time was only about 2 months ago. I explained that our business couldn't afford to hire someone else in my absence and was excused. I can't believe you weren't! Well, hopefully it's short and interesting!